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Facts: Gonzaga University History

CSU at Gonzaga is one of the eight grounds of the Cagayan State University. It is arranged in Gonzaga a town on the Northeastern piece of Cagayan, 45 kilometers from Aparri and 127 kilometers from Tuguegarao City. Gonzaga is honored with common assets one of which is the plentiful and rich mountain ranges.CSU Gonzaga is an exceptional grounds sprawled in 36 hectares lying at the foot of Mt. Tabungao and encompassed with verdant fields and clear man-made brook called "Kali". The grounds has 2,000-hectare mountain saved at Calayan, Gonzaga and 504-hectare mountain saved at Cadugsangan, Sta Clara, Gonzaga. 


CSU at Gonzaga is one of the eight (8) grounds of Cagayan State University arranged in the northeastern piece of Cagayan at Flourishing, Gonzaga, Cagayan.It lies at the foot of Mt. Tabungao in a 30.8-hectare arrive territory, which was given by urban energetic residents of the town. The grounds keeps up a 2,000-hectare mountain save at Calayan, Gonzaga, Cagayan and a 504-hectare mountain hold at Cadubsangan, Sta. Clara, Cagayan.The school was then the principal optional school in the district. It was opened in the school year 1947-1948 and was named Gonzaga Junior High School. In 1953, the name of the school was changed to Gonzaga High School.Mindful of the colossal requirement for horticultural instruction, in 1960 the educational programs was changed over into Secondary Agriculture Curriculum for Boys and the Secondary Agricultural Homemaking for Girls.In 1962, the name of the school was changed over to Gonzaga National Rural High School and after that Gonzaga National and Vocational School. In 1975, the school began offering a two-year Post Secondary Associate in Agricultural Technology (AAT) and two-year Agricultural Technician Curriculum (ATC). With this, the name of the school was changed to Gonzaga National Agricultural and Technological School. 

On June 11, 1978 President Ferdinand E. Marcos through the portrayal of Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile marked the Presidential Decree exchanging the school level to the Cagayan State University. The College of Agriculture is the pioneer school in Cagayan State University at Gonzaga. In the School Year 1975-1976, the school began offering a two-year Post Secondary Associate in Agricultural Technology (AAT) major in Agronomy and two-year Agricultural Technician Curriculum (ATC) with Mr. Ernesto Concepcion assigned as the Chairman. Considering the need of Cagayan Valley for agriculturists and agribusiness instructors, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSA) major in Agronomy and Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education were offered in 1978. Because of the developing requirement for agriculturists, Crop Science and Animal Science were offered as extra majors in Agriculture and Agricultural Education; then in 1997, Agroforestry was included as a noteworthy. At present, the school keeps up two noteworthy regions: Animal Science and Crop Science with Mrs. Claribel A. Gaspar as the Associate Dean. 

The College of Teacher Education has its inception from the College of Agriculture. It initially begun as Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education (BSAEd). To be side by side with the pushed of the administration, the College of Education was isolated as a school. With Dr. Wilhelmina B. Manzano as the Program Chair, the school offered Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSE) major in Social Science in 1989. At that point in 1993, Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) major in Social Science and HELE was opened and in 1997, English and Filipino majors were advertised. But since of low number of enrollees, Social Science major and HELE were eliminated. Later in 2012, the College of Education was renamed College of Teacher Education through Dr. Panfilo Canay, the Dean of the College of Education (now College of Teacher Education) in CSU-Andrews. 

At present, the College of Teacher Education offers Bachelor of Elementary Education and Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English and Filipino. The High School Department is under the College of Education as its Laboratory school. Dr. Susan B. Bucaneg now heads the College of Teacher Education as the Associate Dean and Mr. Danilo Tamayo in the Laboratory High School as the Head Master.To take into account the requests of time and the requirements of the optional graduates in the administration range of CSU Gonzaga, the College of Arts and Sciences was opened in the school year 1980-1981. The courses offered were Bachelor of Arts in Economics (AB Eco), Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics (AB Math) and Bachelor of Arts in Biology (AB Biology). Dr. Dominador Raquel was assigned as the Program Chair. Later in the school year 1985-1986, AB Math was changed into Bachelor of Science in Math (BS Math) and AB Biology into Bachelor of Science in Biology. To be at standard with the courses offered in the urban communities, extra courses, for example, Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) major in Hotel and Restaurant Management, and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) were offered in 1998. Following a year, BBM-HRM was changed into Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BSHRM) and Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (BSEntrep) was likewise opened. In 2012, the Bachelor of Arts in Economics participated in the College of Business Entrepreneurship and Accountancy (CBEA). Along these lines, the College of Arts and Sciences was renamed into College of Hospitality Industry Management (CHIM). Presently, the school has Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Industry Management (BSHIM) as its sole course. Alternate courses BS Math and BS Biology were exchanged to CSU Tuguegarao because of low enlistment. Dr. Elvira M. Sana remains as the Associate Dean of the College. 

The College of Information Technology follows its birthplace from the College of Arts and Sciences. Through the requests of innovation, the CSU-Gonzaga Administration through the help of the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) by giving PCs to be utilized as a part of the research center courses, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) was first offered amid the school year 1998-1999 with Mr. Calixto B. Alicay as the Program Coordinator. Because of developing number of enrollees in the course, it was isolated as a school in August 7, 2005 with Mrs. Laurine A. Balatico as the primary Dean of the College. At present, the College offers Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with Engr. Richard R. Ayuyang as the recently assigned Associate Dean of the College.The College of Business Administration was opened in 2005 as a response to the quest for the college to grow the curricular offerings and to be focused with alternate colleges in the city. Through the authority of its pioneer College Dean, Mrs. Charm V. Paraiso, the school offered Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) major in Management Accounting. Afterward, the school was named College of Business Entrepreneurship and Accountancy with Mrs. Avelina M. Ayuyang as the Dean. At present, the school offers Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) major in Management Accounting, and Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology which is in its pioneer year. Dr. Jay F. Omotoy is the present Associate Dean of the College. 

To stay up to date with the pattern in course offerings in schools and colleges in the district, CSU Gonzaga opened the College of Police Administration amid the school year 2006-2007 offering the course Bachelor of Science in Police Administration (BSPA) with Mrs. Claribel A. Gaspar as the Dean. To make the course more receptive to the requirements of the employment showcase, the BSPA was changed into Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BSCrim). The College was renamed College of Criminal Justice Administration in the school year 2010-2011. At present, the College offers Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Bachelor of Science in Police Administration with Dr. Reynold B. Pattaui as the Associate Dean. Understanding the interest for equipped attendants here and abroad, the College of Nursing was opened in the school year 2009-2010 with the vision of making the course moderate however with high caliber to the less advantaged understudies. Be that as it may, because of reducing number of enrollees, there had been a continuous stage down of the College of Nursing in scholastic year 2013-2014.At present, the College of Teacher Education holds the greatest number of understudies and enrollees.The accompanying is the rundown of progression of Administrators since it turned out to be a piece of the University framework: Mr. Ladislao C. Querubin, Ms. Maria L. Gamiao, Mr. Eugenio A. Tolentino, Dr. Pedro R. Tugade, Dr. Jose A. Cardenas, Dr. Perfecto V. Vivit, Dr. Ferdinand C. Oli, and Dr. Florante Victor M. Balatico.CSU at Gonzaga keeps on playing out its four-overlay elements of Instruction, Extension, Research, and Production. 
Since its introduction to the world in 1947, the school is effectively taking part in country building and a pioneer in farmland advancement. 

Contact Information 
Cagayan State University 
Office of the Campus Executive Officer 
Gonzaga Campus, Gonzaga 
3513 Cagayan 
Telephone Number: +63 78 856 6526 
Fax Number: +63 78 856 6525

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