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True Facts:Emotional Love story

I had been a week to get admission in 11th in Inter College Baalipur. One day when I had reached school early, I was just looking at it from the balcony and looking around there. No. 5 bus stopped in front of the college, I stopped looking at the small children coming out of the bus, some boys of my class used to come in that bus. .
The child had gone and I had gaze at the gate of the bus. Then what happened ... can not be given to him. A beautiful girl, do not know who, dressed in school dress (blue suit). I went to the corner of the balcony to see him a little careful. Just stopping quite a distance from the gate. He was coming towards the gate. Changes fell, cold winds were running. I was also flying with the winds. After seeing it in the first glance, the brain started doing fantasy.

Like a heroine comes and every step of her brings winds of wind and she feels the hero eyes closed. Almost similar situation was mine. He had entered the school. I ran down quickly to see which class he went in. As soon as he reached me, he entered the office. The prayer bell rang. Today the brain was somewhere else. Friends said that the girl who looks good from far away is not it I thought I would see him a little closer after praying but it was not certain in which class he reads.After the prayer was over, we went to class. Since there were benches in the three lines in the class, I was still the last bench student. The girls' line started in the class and then like I went crazy with eyes, when I saw it in that line. Lately open hair, cheeky eyes, the wheat-colored looks really beautiful. He was sitting, according to which we both were sitting in the guarantee of the highest distance. On the first bench of the first line I got the last bench on the third I got up and went ahead for the bottle to see him closely. He was throwing something out of his head in the bag. He was really beautiful ... very beautiful. He saw a glance and went down to bottle filling. After leaving the class, grinding teeth was being said "yes yes". I felt like I had a queen of dreams.Came to the class room full of water, the classics had come. His name was going to be known. Still I was being lied down ....... worship? Hm, no ... the queen? ... maybe ... or the other day ... Bhak is so fuzzy name ... ha ha ha It was lost in these fantasies, so the attendance was turned on. Suman .... Present Sir ... Oh, Suman, yes this name was his. How sweet was his In the brain, Suman began to break the name, Suman ... touches ... mind like something. Today the mind was not aware, Q was a childish act. Although there were many smart boys in the class and I was not even a little It was also known that the half class is going to be behind it, yet I was full of confidence.

It was being said in the mind ... you are mine .. Suman. Slowly I had a look at every one of his actions in a class room that passed away slowly. And on every one boy who's watching him So far, he had lost his nature, absolutely away from a shining, colorful world, with no positive thoughts or a mobile, no internet interest.My mind started to be lost, lost my brain. Even though I was a little shy, he used to speak shayari sometimes on his actions, and friends also wow wandered. The songs of Kumar Shanu and Mohammad Rafi were done by the habit of listening and muttering. But so far he could not tell his heart. The 11th annual exam ended. Of the 800 children of the 4 sections, out of the top 20, there were a total of two boys in my section, in which my 13th and the second was 18th. My status had increased, class rooms were all seen with respect. Teacher clapped for both of us. My eyes were just watching him. All the people were watching me on the bottom and in the meantime, I used to fight my face with ease and my heart started beating loud. Now maybe he too started noticeing me something. I wanted to propose it.

 I told this to one of my elf friends. He said walk, the interval had been there, he was sitting alone in the class room, the opportunity was good. But then that friend said something to a girl ... maybe a commentary .... The girl went ahead of the false story ... I asked your friend what your gf was that ?? His answer was no. Suman has seen us do all this. I was feeling very embarrassed, I had lost my muck with wheat. He was shaking his neck down and looking at us, maybe he was assessing me. I had fallen from my own eyes.He was a friend of childhood, he could not speak anything, but I gave him warning for not doing so, he was also sad. One day said, 'Please do not know anything about him.' The other day he had just one information but that was very big. There was no one better way to impress her than that. According to my friend, he loved writing and was giving poetry in the school's annual magazine. I was very happy today because at that time I used to do a few poems. I also gave one of his quality poems to the magazine, with a great photo. After a month the magazine was in everyone's hands. As soon as the magazine came in my hands, I quickly searched the page of his poem. His little blurry picture below is named Suman Class 12th B2.

There was a poem written on rain ... a little kid had type ... but I used to read her poem repeatedly ... every time Good articles and poems were being appreciated in class. I had written a little too well, so also mine. Suman was sitting on the same book ... I was looking at him ... only then he looked at me ... I did not take any time to understand that he is now reading my poem ... I too opened the composition of him. Was there. He kept looking at me for a few seconds and I too smiled, I smiled. Today was the heart garden garden. Then there was an interval. In the class ... I was a little more friends and some girls. Now the magazine sitting on the bench was reading and the person who gave the composition was being recognized ... Hey, it's all there is no bay 12b1. Taxes will be given ... Abe began to write an article of how to save this person. He was also on poverty .. Amir's father was a stranger .... Everyone was going to shoot, when Suman came in class. We are silent As I sit on the bench, I say good,Pankaj is very good. I talked to him. The strings of my heart started ringing.
Heart said son wrap and batiyavo Then a girl said that Pankaj Shayari also does very well. Suman said "what is this". Girl - Hey, you do not know what makes you the most. It became silent after listening ... My mouth turned red with shame. Perhaps Suman was starting to understand something, she was still silent. I took care of the situation and said - Hey Suman, he speaks very furiously, do not pay attention to his things ... By the way your poetry was also wonderful. He thanked me, saying that you were much better. I said - right in the right? I do not think so. He also reiterated my point - good? I do not even think We both remained silent for a while and together we started laughing at the boy. My laughter was like a jackal ... But his laughter was so tender and bellied in the heart that uninterrupted rain and dense peacock dancing began.We talked for about 10 minutes. When the school was closed, the bus was standing outside the bus to see him. She was sitting in the bus and went away. Today my heart was beating bounce. Heavy sunlight was also giving a sense of snowy cold. Today, we do not know which internal force was running the cycle ... What was the slope? Kumar Shanu's song "First My First Love Tera My Soni" was listening to my conscience very clear. His face was covered with eyes. Who is going on the road, who is going there is no good. At home came home wash-eaten food. Keep listening to a long broad play list of Love Songs.
There was talk everyday in school at that school. He would sometimes tell his poetry, sometimes he would The board exam was left for 1 month, the school was about to close. Perhaps our meeting was about two months away. While going home we met both ... I asked him the best of luck for the upcoming exams ... He also told me ... even this ... putting the mind on reading only ... for a few days, stop poetry shayari two . He said, Muskai, bye and sat in the bus ... I was standing beside him. He was looking at me from the window. Maybe he realized that I love him. Today I was very sad and maybe even that. She went away looking at me with a glance.

There were tears in my eyes .. Then came the pimple and started strapping. Then I was happy to think that the end of the exam was to come to school one day ... on that day we were called to give good wishes to the result and to give direction for the future. The examination ended between the books and the conflicts of his memories. All the papers were very good, I was very happy. After a week, I had to go to school. It was very restless, sleep was gone, hunger too low. The mind was eating dives in the sea of ​​imaginas ... that will come on that day ... will he be in the whole or in some other way? After all, that day came as it was asleep at 2 o'clock in the night and got up at 4 o'clock in the morning. The time was 7 o'clock. Quickly lighten the bath with a light whipped breakfast. Today was going to school in jeans and check shirts. By law Deo felt that today his bike mount CD Delux and got out of the house at 6 o'clock Since all friends were going to be away today, the mind was emotional anyway. In 10 minutes the school reached ... the patchwork stood the same. He got down from the bike and hugged him. Examination took place He said digging in the stomach ... What is the matter of great decoration ... I stabbed him and he kept quiet.

Many friends met The time of the arrival of the bus was taking place ... the heart beats growing. Sometimes it was frightening to think that "he will not come or not ..." Then Sir Zor's own person says it will not happen ... he will definitely come. I went to the balcony ... to see him in the same old style as he had seen for the first time ... standing at the same place. It was in this confusion that she would come to wear ... the rest of the girls had come dressed well. It was just a few minutes away ... yes that number was just 5. There was no room for my happiness. There were just stops of all 12th students. I was constantly watching that when she got out ... she got out ...
Wearing the same school dress ... the same brightness in the eyes, the same glowing face ... the same decentness ... but what else did he need of decoration .... It seemed as if the incident of two years back was repeating. The same wind felt the eyes of Jharko blindly. He looked up to me and saw me. I talked from above. Hi, how are you? She said ... first come down then the punky ... she was looking very happy. I ran to the bottom ... just came in front of him ... I have filled my arms in the arms. The heart was beating with a lot. He asked, how did the exam pass, ... I said "very bad" ... he said, stopping on the shoulder, "False liar .. your worse." Suman said - looking smart enough ... I also said - "You are also looking very beautiful ... like always. And we laugh together.After the program was over, it was said that after one hour, the school will be discharged, meet whom you can meet. Today was probably the last day ... I do not know when it will be met ... In the same thought, both of us were sitting face to face ... today came to the decision that I would speak the words of my heart but the time was passing I said Could not find. His condition was similar to that of mine ... Perhaps he even wanted to tell me something ... maybe that is what I told him. The old times in school were being remembered. Eyes were mixed with eyes ... We knew the things of each other's heart, but just to say it was a thing which was now becoming very difficult. Talking about our eyes were full

It was then announced that it is easy to sit in the bus early in the bus. When I heard this, my heart would get out. The feet were trembling. It seemed like the heart would remain in the heart itself. Let me tell him or not, I will leave you from the bike to the house. He said that I do not mind ... if anyone else will see, what will he think? I do not know why I did not cut her talk. Once again, the annexation was done to sit in the bus. Now I have to walk, say he got up ... his eyes were moist ... I was crying my heart and wondering if I wished to wipe his tears from his hands and fill it in arms. She started to go ... I was hunting like a haraasan ... I was stopped. He had reached the school gate ... I was no longer going ... I sounded - "Suman wait a little".On hearing this, Suman pulled his leg back. I got up early and went to him. Now I had decided ... I will be speaking this time. He was standing near the gate, so I approached him ... almost .. very close. The whole body was trembling. I said in a shock ... "I love you so much". My eyes were tilted, waiting for her reply .... After all, his answer came ... "I too"

We were absolutely calm. I used to look at the eyes and said full speech ... she said ... "I love you too much". As soon as I hear it, I feel like I am flying in the air. It was a huge burden that was going out of my heart. There were many boys coming on the neck of the necklace that was doing so that could not do so. We both were happy. He started to sit in the bus ... tears of eyes ... What was that meeting of two hearts ?? How many hearts meet ... When the chances of meeting each other are blurred. But we were satisfied.She was admiring from the window sitting in the bus. I was standing quietly watching him ... just as the start of the bus tears in my eyes. It just went ... just .... Now all was calm. Sitting on a bike for a while He came in a huff ... I heard him sing without saying ... He understood that the story was made of the slum ....
He said that when the party is giving ... I said take it bay bay She said ... took the phone number or address ?? As soon as I heard this, I was again numb. At the time of his departure, he kept on beholding all that was not his attention, and perhaps even this happened with him. In the meantime, there was a hope of a raying ... Result .... yes he would definitely get his result. Chhichor said that the foolish idiots demand a strong demand on that day.

A day before the result was received, Kashmak was continuing ... will he come to get the result? But this time heart was not saying this thing with heart. Reached late results Well, I met you. I am coming right now. Suman was not seen anywhere. Regarding the result, the head gave a compliment and said that there are very good numbers. 89% were Marx. After taking the sign, it was noticed in the register that a trunk was placed before the column of Suman and someone's signature was lying. It took for a time like heart beat stopped.Asked by the head, did Suman come to pick up the result? He said no ... his grandfather had come. Nana Ji? Sir said - yes he used to live here in his grandfather's house ... his house is Delhi. He has gone home now. I came out with the result. Asked a friend of her - She said she did not have a phone, so nobody has her number or address. The romantic love seemed to be tarnished .... Now all was normal or unusual ... something was not understood. All the prospects of getting him back were ending. Uncomfortable surrounded. It seemed that I was lacking in oxygen and was unable to breathe properly. Everything seemed to be wasted. She came out wandering .. On my shoulder, without saying anything without touching her, quietly left the house. I also came home

There were several types of questions raised in the brain.Was not the love of Suman's love a liar, or was he just a joke?But the heart can never testify about this.She was not happy .That laugh was not false .Those tears were not false ...Then how could the love of love be false?Today this incident has been completed for three years,Heart Touch.Never met again since then ... Sometimes it is seen in dreams. Even today, when a request from Facebook is called Suman, then the heart is awakened. Like madman, I start checking his profiles .... but this is not my favor ... maybe someone else's.Even today, new sessions are started in my school, for zero possibilities, I will go for once and only to keep memories alive ... standing in the same balcony, looking for a few moments here.The name of his mark is a blurry picture and poem printed in the same magazine.I am frightened by seeing her blurry picture, even in memories, her picture may not be blurred like this.He had a great love,
Dil still says with heart, she will come a day 

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