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Brisbane University of Australia

                                                            The ACU Leadership Center, Brisbane, is a contemporary, best in class official and postgraduate training focus. An advantageous area and wonderful offices consolidate to make it a rousing scene to go to scholastic projects, exploit official preparing or associate at industry organizing events.The Leadership Center, Brisbane, is an expert space offering a scope of choices and setting designs finish with the innovation arrangements you would hope to discover in a setting of this bore. The middle can suit capacities from five up to 150 individuals - addresses, executive gatherings, meetings and additionally discussions, services, official lunch get-togethers, mixed drink capacities, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. 

The meeting room 

A slick and private space seating 16 serenely. Contemporary outline components and best in class innovation makes this room the ideal area for any official or executive meeting. Its video and remotely coordinating offices give profitable alternatives to interface meeting members locally and universally. 

Adaptable learning rooms 

Our three adaptable learning rooms are pragmatic in capacity and gorgeously selected. Pick one, two or each of the three rooms to suit your necessities. All rooms are independent, offer an abnormal state of acoustic appraised partition, unrivaled adaptability, quality innovation and varying media arrangements readily available. 

Change into a capacity room 

For bigger capacities, the three adaptable learning rooms change flawlessly into a solitary, roomy dinner style room, with a limit of up to 150 situated visitors. 

Breakout space 

The ideal alternative for gathering work, littler break-out sessions or casual gatherings. 

The parlor 

A place to meet up, the parlor territory offers a more easygoing space - the ideal range to make a call, make up for lost time with messages, or to associate with partners between arrangements.

About the Faculty 

The Faculty of Health Sciences offers courses in biomedical science, clinical instruction, clinical practice physiology, advising, practice science, wellbeing organization, human services reproduction training, superior game, emotional wellness, birthing assistance, nursing, word related treatment, paramedicine, physiotherapy, brain research, general wellbeing, restoration, social work and discourse pathology. 

Our vision is to give minding and arranged graduates who advance wellbeing and anticipate sickness for Australia's wellbeing and games businesses, and give quality social insurance to powerless groups, for example, the Indigenous, elderly and crippled. 

The Faculty's Professional Experience Services joins the ACU Health Clinics, the ACU/Partner Clinical Schools, and all organization administrations encompassing proficient practice situations over the Schools of Allied Health, Physiotherapy, Psychology, and Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine. The ACU Health Clinics are arranged in Brisbane, Melbourne and North Sydney; these offices give a scope of understudy conveyed wellbeing administrations to ACU understudies, staff and the more extensive group. The centers give quality chances to understudy proficient practice position encounters with master clinicians. 

ACU's connections with the medicinal services part have empowered it to wind up the biggest supplier of graduate attendants in Australia. 

The Faculty Executive focuses on the estimations of greatness, nobility and engagement, as enunciated in the Faculty's Positioning Statement and Values, 2015: The Faculty of Health Sciences means to be a world pioneer in its field; perceived for brilliance in training, research, administration and group engagement in the Health Sciences, endeavoring to advance the respect of all and the benefit of all. 

On the off chance that you are selecting in one of our courses this year I extend a warm welcome to you. The Faculty advances an inviting air in which understudies can seek after their studies with very much qualified and energetic staff. I am certain you will discover your studies with the Faculty of Health Sciences a compensating knowledge.

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